This paper discussed strategies for educating children with intellectual superiority in Nigeria. Man has always recognized that the progress and advancement of a society depends on the genius, creativity and contribution of a few of its members. This paper probed into the meaning of the phrase “gifted children.” The paper looked at the Nigerian National Policy on the education of gifted children; strategies for educating the gifted which amongst others include compacting n differentiating the curriculum land providing enrichment activities; allowing students to pursue independent projects based on their own individual interests; interactive teaching; team teaching, collaboration, and consultation with other teachers; extracurricular activity and competitive outing; addressing the counseling needs of each student to support emotional growth as needed; and the need for the teacher to establish and maintain a warm, accepting classroom. The paper found the inadequate blueprint on the education of the gifted in Nigeria and the lukewarm attitude of the society to the idea of giftedness as key challenges. The paper concluded that the education of the gifted should be given adequate attention in view of their well acknowledged capabilities when developed and the strategies put forward in this paper are the surest ways of doing this.