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International Journal of Humanities and Arts

Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A (2019)

A self-taught method for learning English in the non-aligned movement era



Formerly known as Anglo-Saxon, then as British English, nowadays it has become the lingua franca of the modern world and in deed everyone’s language. However, the so called British version of English has lost its primacy to American and become fairly outdated with its clumsy anachronistic orthography and spelling. Moreover, the Angles (viz. Engles or Ingles) are no more exclusive proprietors of the English language, how much less the authorities to be referred to for the correctness of its spelling, grammar, and lexicology.

Pages: 07-09  |  1920 Views  841 Downloads

International Journal of Humanities and Arts
How to cite this article:
MILORAD sin Nade Tesla IVANKOVIĆ. A self-taught method for learning English in the non-aligned movement era. Int. J. Humanit. Arts 2019;1(2):07-09. DOI: 10.33545/26647699.2019.v1.i2a.8
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