Amandeep Singh and Dr. Suneet Kaur
Education is an important tool for an individual to develop his or her skills. It is also an important ingredient of human development. It is helpful in well-being of individuals as it improves their incomes and standard of living. It brings their capabilities and potentialities out. Education also affects the future of individuals and generations as educated parents have more educated and healthier children as well. Education also improves social welfare of the society. Education makes positive personality among children. Education is also a high priority of any country. In India, Education has been assigned high priority in the development policy of India. The provision of free and compulsory education to all children of the age group 6-14 years is a fundamental right as per constitution of India. Every citizen has this right. The National Policy on Education in 1986 also is an important landmark in improving the structure of education. Indian education system as per the commitment of the constitution. Later on, many schemes and policies are introduced for the betterment and improvement of education. Millenium Development goals in 2000 gave a boost in education. The Right of Children to Free and compulsory Education Act in 2009 is introduced to meet the demands of Elementary Education. After that, NEP 2020 is more practical in approach. It is based on the creativity and innovation as well as personality development of the students. But India is a country of a lot of diversities in culture, religion, language, traditions and many more. So the education system also face many problems due to these diversities. Indian education is unequally distributed among people. There are many reasons for this unequal distribution. India is not showing an appreciable progression in education sector. Though enrollment in schools, colleges has been increased. But still there are many inequalities and stratification. The age-old disparities stemming from class, caste and gender also manifest in the educational attainments among people across the country. In fact, there is an unequal access to educational opportunities for people from the vulnerable sections. It has also emerged as a major challenge for the policymakers in the country. This research paper will highlight these inequalities, factors responsible and it will also highlight some measures to Government and other enmities. This study will help other researchers in their research work. It will enhance knowledge and will bring new network of innovations.
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